Saturday, 29 December 2012

Tilia_2 update

An update of the heavy linden.
- I did some work on the carvings.
- The branches had been wired an placed again.
- Alot of other branches had to go.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Tilia_1 update

This is anothers this years's linden.
There had been a fungus damage.
Now the first carving is done.
Alot of stress for the tree this year, but he is really strong and healthy.
The tree will get through this ...

Ulmus_1 update

Update of the elm.
An improvement of design had been intended.
I wanted the flat branch-pads to be dissolved for the benefit of a more
natural appearance of a broadleaf-tree-design.
Maybe I am on wrong track, but I like it better now ...

Tilia_4 update

An update of the hollow linden.
Well, the tree fairly regained strength .

- In 2013 there will be also a substitute of the unsufficient substrat
- The upper area of the tree has to put on
- The scars are beginning to build nice callus
- the tree will be allowed to grow freely in 2013

Monday, 24 December 2012

Tilia_3 update

Here an update of the sandra_linden.
The were no big changes towards the designing this years .
Regaining after a bad spring had been all I wanted to achieve ...

Which front-view would  you like better ?

- Okay, today the deadwood appears a little bit crude.
  It will be improven in spring 2013.
- The substrat is not optimal to my display-site.
  this also will be changed in 2013.

Tilia_5 update

Here an update of another linden.
Of course this tree is not even in a stage of prebonsai.
It is just my youngest project ...

- the number of branches had been reduced
- branches had been placed
- some first carving had been done
- the next developing-aim is to thicken the branches
- the linden will be allowed to grow freely the whole season of 2013
- it will be repottet in 2013 whithout root-disturbing because of  improvement of soil-management     matters.

In the "studio" ...

Well, my photographing-skills are obviously still in an early state of development ...
I "diy-ed" some soft-boxes for better illumination of the trees this autum.
Now I have to find out, how to deal with the new equipment ...

Self, with little Luna, my Jacky-Lassie ...

Test for depths of focus

Some training, is required ... :-)

And this is how it goes:
The improved studio consists of three "diy-ed" softboxes and a black background.
The softboxes are hung up with chaines and hooks under the wooden ceiling.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012




(The name hamburg_ulme refers to the collecting site, wich was in the urban zone of  Hamburg.
This in mind, the tree was collected on holy ground you know ...  :-)  ).    -
I have to admit that Volker B., a bonsai-compagnion, in the first place brought up the basic design of the tree.
I am very greatful for his first aid!
After this first basic styling, I spoiled the designing of the tree a bit.
Flat leaf-pads on a deciduous tree is in direct contradiction to the natural habitus of such trees.
Well, I did not know it better that days (on my own)  as I made the first designing attempts on this elm.
I will try to improve that this winter.

This picture shows how it begun.
As a matter of fact I was the opinion, that this elm would be good raw material.
Nowadays I think, it was just a rookies mistake to collect such an ugly slinge  :-) ...
Beginners often do not look at the nebari and tachiagari, but  they think the crown of the tree is very attractive and already close to a bonsai-appeal. I also was this strong conviction in 1996.
Anyway ...
In 2006 my bonsai-fellows and me decided  to cut off the right subtrunk.

... Absolutely not proud of this trees, at least at this stage of developement.
But this winter I am really looking foreward to try to improve the design.
The new posting in December will show, if the "renaturalisation" of the branches 
was succesful ...




(Translation of burg_prunus = castle_prunus. The name refers to the collecting site of the tree, where formerly a castle was located ).
I do not know for sure, wich species the tree belongs to.
I hope it is a Prunus spinosa, because in that case the trunkdiamaeter would be a good deal.


Detail of the foliage and bark.




(Translation of  berg_linde = mountain_linden. The name refers to the collecting site of the tree ).
The nebari is lousy. I will try to generate roots by approach grafting.
Well, this tree is an objekt of experimentation. I always wanted to try some techniques,
before applaying my "experiences" to precious trees ;-)  .


The taper of the trunk is not good. I have to solve the problem with the slight inverse taper.
I will create an Uro on the left side.



(Translation of pikass_linden = ace of spades_linden. The name refers to intended designing of the crown like shown in the picture above. Let us see, wether it will be the right name and plan...).


A little too much branches or subtrunks.


The new budding is really strong.



(Translation of hohle_linde = hollow_linden. The name refers to the complete hollow trunk ).


The black arrows are pointing to the adventious buds. These buds are providing the basis for the new branches. A complete new reconstruction of the design and ramification.


The new branches in early summer 2010.


The tree in summer 2012. The linden had to regain power. Inspring there had been a root damage because of late frost.

Monday, 19 November 2012



(Translation of  sandra_linde = sandra_linden. The name refers to the name of my beloved wife.
Well, she likes this tree so much).
In the beginning of the designing I had some help of Volker B..
Thank you for this Volker!


Freshly collected. The tree did not look like good raw material at the first moment, but the nebari was not that bad.


First steps of the complete new ramification.


First styling winter 2011.
The plan is to design a tree, wich looks like his conspecifics in the wild.



(Translation of dorf_linde = village_linden. The name refers to the planned design, because often (in germany ?) strong Linden build the central point of a village).
Linden is the "social tree". Under the crown of the tree law was spoken, dancing was performed and Tilia  also served as a gallow-tree.


Ugly, heavy, raw.


Strong and healthy.


This linden got very good through the winter.

Sunday, 18 November 2012



(The name refers to the name of my yamdori-companion Reiner, who is also a bold and pleasent creature :-)) ).
Reiner and me made oure yamadori hunt in late march this year.
The aim was to get some of these linden.
Thanks alot, that I got the permission for collecting from the custodian of the small forest!
Thank you Mister B. !


Later that year the tree was infected by a fungus (Nectria cinnabarina) so I decided to do some thoroughly carving in order to get rid of the fungus.
Too bad! Carving was not scheduled for this tree.
Hmm ..., my current display site seems to be too humid.
'Going to change that next spring ...
I made some basic designing this winter, because in spite of the fungus, the tree was very vigorous.
Tilia-species are very tough.
Pictures will be shown in the next postings.