Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Winter Sale 2016

This winter I sold two trees.
And again it is very gratifying, that two very good bonsai-companions bought the trees.
I have often been asked why I am selling all those trees.
Well, the answer is qiute simple: I have got too many trees.
I mean too many to care for, since they are standing remotely from my flat.
I prefer to have a small amount of trees but different species and among them just my favorites.
A third linden (the five-trunker) is on sale this winter as well.
If this tree will not be sold soon, I will re-edit the design and keep it.
Let us see ...

And this one is on sale ... :

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Tilia_2 update

And here an update as well.

- The tree looks almost overloaded by the amount of twigs.
- I have rarely seen such a number of buds on a tree .
- Sorry, in real life the tree is an absolut stunner.
- Of course there must be done some selectiv cuttings of branches and new shoots
- I think it was the right decision to cut away the lower branches

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Ulmus_1 update

Well, the ramification is much better now.
I just cut back the longest shoots wich were standing out too long of the silhoutte.

Tilia_6 update

The mountain-linden after styling.


- The ramification has to be developed.
- The aim was until now to thicken the branches
  and in this regard I am absolutely satisfied with the esults so far.
- This  Linden will again be offered on a selling-platform this winter.
  I simply have got too much trees ... ;-)

Monday, 26 October 2015

Tilia_5 update

Current pictures of the Ace of spades - Linden
- Just a raw cutback of some needless twigs had been done.
- The overall view is becoming more harmonical.
- Branches increased thickness.
- Ther are lots of buds to creat a fine ramification.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Tilia_7 update

Here the update of my Linden number seven.
I clearly can remember the time I digged the tree.
It was in spring 2012:
On the ground, near the trunk there laid a radient white lower jaw of a deer.
The smell in the air was like a mixture of the forest itself and the humble flavor
of a faylike little flower.
The light was a kind of reddish-tender glowing.
The climate had a feeling of a freshnes, that the winter left behind while fleeing northbound.
I was standing right in the middle of paradise that day ...

Sunday, 16 August 2015


Here is one of my new raw-material from spring 2015,
a Sorbus intermedia.
The tree was located in a flood-zone of a brook-area.
Maybe that is why the trunk is so furred.
The last picture shows a branch-grafting.
The lack of a suitable lower branch induced me to try this technique.
We will see in autaumn, wether  this plan will be successful ...