Sunday, 7 September 2014


Update of the five-trunc-linden.

- The lower sacrifice-branches had been removed already.
- The branches thickened alot.
- Next step is wiring. This will be done in Novemver.
- I am impatiently waiting to see the this years ramification ;-)  .

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Different Carvings

... Some pictures of deadwood-areas on or within my trees.
The carvings had not weatheres enough yet.
But this will happen anyway as time goes by.
In the meanwhile I will have a look for a good wood-preserving method.
It seems that the wooden material of Tilia is decaing relativly fast.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Balancing the energy

Update Tilia_8

On this stage of development, my designing-aim is to thicken the lower branches and to
increase the ramification of the upper areas.
Therefore breaking the apical dominance of the growth-energy is mandatory.
The lower branches had been allowed to grow freely. 
The upper shoots had been pinced after lauching the fourth internodium.


Saturday, 14 June 2014


Update of Tilia_2.
The tree two weeks after total defoliation.

- The backbudding will deliver a huge amount of new shoots.
- Actually much more growth than I need to proceed the styling.
  Anyway, ... it will help to thicken the branches.
- In autumn there will be another selection of branches for the next growing period.
- The feeding regime (daily, low dosis fertilisation) seems to be very well accepted by the linden.

Sunday, 11 May 2014


Tilia_7 update

- The tree utterly regained this spring.
  Because of some fertilizing-mistakes, the tree suffered so badly since summer 2012.
- And now, standing next to this linden, you almost appear to feel the energy of the strong
  growing-power ...
- Of course there is no structur at present. Collecting energy is essential at that stage.
  For my share it is more important that the tree looks good in winter, after styling and cutting,
  when the ramification is not covered by its leafs.
- First pruning will be in the middle of June.
- The linden will be styled in autumn on a bonsai-fellow-convent.
  I am really looking foreward for this date ...

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Virtual Tilia_9

A virtual of Tilia_9 the linden-clump as a temporary draft ...

The leaf-size and amount is already idealized in the virtual.
But since the trunc is that big, the proportions are attainable ...
Another fairy-tale-style-tree in my collection...
I simply love this sort of trees.
Thank you so much Mr. Pall, for discribing and determing this style!

Sunday, 2 March 2014


Update of Tilia 5

The original designing-plan is no longer suitable for the tree.
The "ace of spades"-outline will be abondoned in favour for a more 
ballshaped silhouette.