Friday, 8 February 2013


I would like to plan an air-layering b e f o r e irreversible cuttings are done.
Additionally it would be very useful to diskuss the planning with my bonsai fellows,
because I am not sure about the best height of the air layering.
So I decided to develop an virtual backward planning concept.

This is the tree. For my liking the trunk is too long and uninteresting.


In order to transfer the virtual planing into the analog world, I fixed some markings
arround the trunk.
Later on, this markings will provide the orientation for the airlayering cutting.


Well, the markings are somehow irritating towards the free "intuitional" virtual designing-process.
So they are covered with the original bark-layer within the software-application.
We have got the same situation like in the first scenery, but the bark-layer is now "removeable".


A first virtual styling attempt. The pot pot is too big. I shrinked it a bit.
This is not the final outcome, just a draft ....  my bonsai-fellows have to tell this weekend ;-)

If the position (height) of the airlayering is determined, the bark-layer is removed (wthin the app.)
and the markings will give an exact hint for the layerin- cuttings.


Well, some cosmetical adjustment towards the final draft.
The bark-layer has been put back. The markings will stay untill the weekend, for
the diskussion with my fellows ...

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Tilia_2 update

An update of the heavy linden.
- I did some work on the carvings.
- The branches had been wired an placed again.
- Alot of other branches had to go.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Tilia_1 update

This is anothers this years's linden.
There had been a fungus damage.
Now the first carving is done.
Alot of stress for the tree this year, but he is really strong and healthy.
The tree will get through this ...

Ulmus_1 update

Update of the elm.
An improvement of design had been intended.
I wanted the flat branch-pads to be dissolved for the benefit of a more
natural appearance of a broadleaf-tree-design.
Maybe I am on wrong track, but I like it better now ...

Tilia_4 update

An update of the hollow linden.
Well, the tree fairly regained strength .

- In 2013 there will be also a substitute of the unsufficient substrat
- The upper area of the tree has to put on
- The scars are beginning to build nice callus
- the tree will be allowed to grow freely in 2013

Monday, 24 December 2012

Tilia_3 update

Here an update of the sandra_linden.
The were no big changes towards the designing this years .
Regaining after a bad spring had been all I wanted to achieve ...

Which front-view would  you like better ?

- Okay, today the deadwood appears a little bit crude.
  It will be improven in spring 2013.
- The substrat is not optimal to my display-site.
  this also will be changed in 2013.

Tilia_5 update

Here an update of another linden.
Of course this tree is not even in a stage of prebonsai.
It is just my youngest project ...

- the number of branches had been reduced
- branches had been placed
- some first carving had been done
- the next developing-aim is to thicken the branches
- the linden will be allowed to grow freely the whole season of 2013
- it will be repottet in 2013 whithout root-disturbing because of  improvement of soil-management     matters.