Thursday, 5 October 2023


Not much to say about this small Thuja. 

I just wanted to creat a clean design and getting to know

the reaction of this species to certain designing-interventions.

The leaves of this tree will even become smaller in the course of time.

Just a small clean tree ...

This tree will also be sold by the way.

Tuesday, 3 October 2023


 And this is how it went on with one of my tanukis.

Just two years under my control.

It seems, as if the living part is thriving very well. The rest of the wiring will be taken off 

next spring. So far so good. The tree is for sale as well ...


The tree decided to leave my garden.

I wonder were this specimen is heading for ... 

This Juniperus Sabina is for sale. 

Today I clipped off the extremly extended shoots in order to distribute the energy all over the tree.

It really gained a lot of energy this season.

I am pretty satisfied with my designing-efforts, although this Juniper decided to leave.

In particular I like this special green color of Sabinas ...


Well, the tree had a good growing-season. There had been no fungus-issues like last year.

I clipped the shoots a bit. The tree is now 57 cm in height, 50 cm in width, 47 cm in depth and 

the nebari messures 23 centimeters on its widest extent.

The tree is for sale ...

Wednesday, 12 July 2023


 I know, I know, the tree now looks rather like a plastic-tree.

But I am pretty sure, that the overall appearance will improve within the next two years or so.

Sometimes things have to become worse, to get better in the long run ...

So just for the record:

Friday, 7 July 2023


 According to working with yamadori-material or container-conifers from a garden-center, I have always been thought, that the assumption "finding the smallest tree" (within in the material) would give me a hint to a good first styling-result.

Well in this particular case my assumption was defenitly wrong. A Chamacyparis (no matter what kind or cultivar) would never "put" the leader-shoot down, to form a, what bonsai-people would call a "pad".

I signed the weak points with drawn arrows in the posting-image.

Therefore, I will cancel my former idea, in favour of a more upright design.

The following days I will post the result of my attempt for a more natural design.

Monday, 26 June 2023


 The draft of a virtual according to  the previous posting.

It may seem a bit eccentric, but it is just a draft and this picture is just a "screen-shot of my mind"

today. It will defenitly turn out different, but for me it is interesting to see the difference between

 phantasy and reality, after the first maturing years of this marriage.
