Monday, 16 January 2023


For my taste this little Taxus baccata var. repanda had been to wide (pictures in posting as of 12.2020).

For that resaon i decided to make a complete makeover of the tree's design, cause the dimension led to a

very young appearance of the yew. Now i like it better. The jins will be reworks in a couple of weeks.

I worked on that yew in company with my-Bonsai-Companion Jens. That was great fun ...


The front?




Friday, 13 January 2023


 A taxus baccata i acquired from a bonsai-fellow. The tree originally came from Poland.

From the beginning this yew had been strong and healthy and went during my possession through two 

winter-saisons without any difficulties. 

The deadwood-work has to be improved and the overall shape is still a little bit too unrefined yet.

Well, i am not unsatisfied with the development after two years  ...

I like this front-view:

Or rahter this one? 

Thursday, 12 January 2023


A Chamacyparis obtusa i acquired in a small nursery as a fairly neglected bush.

The leafs of this particular cultivar are very brittle, so not easy to style this specimen wtihout losses.

The first styling-session therefor had its "collateral-damages" ...

The bark of the trunc is very mature.

Since this hinoki-cultivar is growing very slowly i consider the tree to be pretty old.

Over all the plant is a bit to dense (as always in my Hinoki-projects) to keep the energy.

I look forward to reduce the design in future as well as improving the ten-jin, if not removing it ...


My front-view:

Another possible front-view:


And the source-plant as rawest material. 

I tried to show the status quo blended into the former dimension of the 

bushy scrub :



Friday, 6 January 2023


 The  second Tanuki project. Again a wooden Thuja occidentalis base and two Juniperus blauwii specimen

connected to the trunc. 

And yes, the bleached wood of the trunc is looking awfully unatural.

The weathering will be going to correct that by the time ...

My front-view :

A possible backside:


Thursday, 5 January 2023


You maybe remember the beginnings of my tanuki-projects from November 2022?

Here is how it went on with the first combination of a thuja-base "merried" to 

two Juniperus nursery-plants. 

My front-view :

Another viewing-angle :




Tuesday, 27 December 2022


One day my bonsai-companion Jens (aka Bonsai Kunst Hamburg) said  according to the design of this particular white cedar :
"Don't get me wrong, the tree is good, but the design tends to be a bit boring. There should be more of a kind of asymetry within the crown, enhancing the overall tension and interest ..."
Well, I thought about it and decided to give it a try.
Sometimes it can be very precious to hear the ciritique of experienced bonsai-fellows ... 


Friday, 23 December 2022


Today, finally i found the time to design the last speciemen from out of my raw hinoki-material-stock.

After branch-selection and a little thinning out, i put on a kind of self-vulcanizing tape on the seven truncs as shown in the first pictures. Than i conducted the wiring and branch-setting.

That took much more time, than i expected. At that stage of develoopment the tree might look maybe a bit to dense, but this is on purpose. I want the tree to stay in energy, and after establishing in a suitable clay-pot next years or so, the reducing to the essence will be continued.

The Tree before branch-setting and designing

And afterwards ....