Friday, 30 March 2018


Again my bonsai-companion Andrew gave me the honor for a mutual styling session.
I continued my work on the elm-project and Andrew refined  the develeoment of
one of his field-maples.
In the subsequent foto-session I suddenly discovered the significance of the empty
spaces within this particular creation.

For me it is simply one of the best example for the importance of empty spaces according to
A cool tree at the early stages of  enfolding his venerability ...

Monday, 5 February 2018


 My display on Noelanders Trophy:

The big village-linden wanted to leave.
Now she is heading for Walters garden.
I simply had to let her go :

I am not bitter with that but very, very happy ...

Tuesday, 31 October 2017


An update ...
Just one and a half years in my posession.
Some Basic designing is done.
The carving-job was done by Mr. Kevin Wilson from the UK.

Monday, 23 October 2017


Well, just for study purpose a thuja occidentalis.
I want to find out, if it is possible to develop a "bonsaioid" design within a reasonable 
period of time. A really ugly stump at that stage ...
But on the other hand i like Thuja so much, can't help myself ...
'Would like to see the original wildlings in Canada for example ..

Saturday, 7 October 2017


And this is how it went on with the linden_clump,
before the winter styling-session .
The tree over all shorter, more compact and more designing options.
The moss was stolen by mean blackbirds!
It will be replaced after the carving and styling is done ...


Well, one of my trees decided to go to another garden.

The hollow-Linden made her way in the very south-west of Germany.
Because of her sheer size and weight, it was not possible to send the tree.
In the absence of a better transport-possiblity, I delivered the tree to the
new owner myself, while being on a business-trip southbound anyway.
The guy who bought the tree is a real gentleman, and so I am not a second
in doubt, that the tree will thrive in his garden ...

Saturday, 30 September 2017


`Tell you what:
I like A. Campestre better than A. buergerianum.
Well, this species is absolutely easy to obtain and to collect in my countryside.
It is enormous winterhardy, and the leaf-size will become smaller in a reasonably
period of time.
The bark of older trees look very sexy and this species is very stressable as well.
You can not kill them ...
The downside is the "stiffy" growing-pattern of the branches and the affinity to mildew.
I will deliver some designing-virtuals in a couple of days.

New projekt:
Acer campestre-yamadori. Digged in spring of 2016.
Shortly before first wirering ...