Monday, 26 October 2015

Tilia_5 update

Current pictures of the Ace of spades - Linden
- Just a raw cutback of some needless twigs had been done.
- The overall view is becoming more harmonical.
- Branches increased thickness.
- Ther are lots of buds to creat a fine ramification.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Tilia_7 update

Here the update of my Linden number seven.
I clearly can remember the time I digged the tree.
It was in spring 2012:
On the ground, near the trunk there laid a radient white lower jaw of a deer.
The smell in the air was like a mixture of the forest itself and the humble flavor
of a faylike little flower.
The light was a kind of reddish-tender glowing.
The climate had a feeling of a freshnes, that the winter left behind while fleeing northbound.
I was standing right in the middle of paradise that day ...

Sunday, 16 August 2015


Here is one of my new raw-material from spring 2015,
a Sorbus intermedia.
The tree was located in a flood-zone of a brook-area.
Maybe that is why the trunk is so furred.
The last picture shows a branch-grafting.
The lack of a suitable lower branch induced me to try this technique.
We will see in autaumn, wether  this plan will be successful ...

Friday, 7 August 2015


This is my latest raw-material, wich I collected on a brook landscape.
To get the permission for collecting this alder was very easy.
A storm had impacted that area the neight before.
The workers, who cleared up the wind-damages the day after
gave me kindly permission to dig out the uprooted tree.

The nebari of the tree, 24 cms wide, with lots of knobs and warts on the old bark

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Tilia_2 update

An update of the village_linden.

This summer I made the sudden decision to cut off the first three lower branches.
The tree before the removal of the branches.

And the final result.

Well, the  change is not that extrem, but the pictures in winter will show my intent of
cutting of these branches.
- I want to show more of the massive trunk.
- the new lowest branches will be wired down with guy-wires
- the upper part of the crown is too dense, it will be "brushed up" the next styling session
- the pot will be changed to a 10cm bigger one in next spring

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Kevin and the witch-elm

A new design for my elm (Ulmus campestre) by Mister Kevin Wilson himself !!!

On April 19th we had a workshop with Bonsaimaster Kevin Wilson in a pub near to Hamburg.
Well, it is not necessary to introduce Kevin, everybody knows him.
For me it was the first time to met him.
Not only that he is a real carving-god, he is an artist with the drawing pencil as well!

I like this guy so much for his open minded and free spirit, talking and thinking.
What a pity, that we could not spent more time together.
Hopefully he will come back to Hamburg next year.

I asked Kevin to improve the design and carvings of my elm.

  Kevin explained, that this species is called "witch-elm" in England.
  Maybe because, the witches in england use the branches of this particular species to build theire
  (flying)- brooms. 
  Ulmus Minor/Campestre has got larger leafs than the english Elm Kevin likes to work on.
  With the routine of the master he shortened quickly a lot of branches to creat a more elegant tree.

  After the elm had been wired, Kevin started the carving.
  Caution!: Normally the wiring is done after the Carving-job!
  It is by far too dangerous to use power-tools if guy-wires are fixed on the tree!

  I simply like this Bonsai-Mad-Man and I adore him for his artistical skills according to bonsai.

Thank you for being in Hamburg with us.

  One day we will meet again, mate ....


Saturday, 17 January 2015

Tilia_2 update

An update of the village-linden again

- Alot of twigs and shoots had to go.
- There will be guy-wires to design some of the thicker branches.
- Well, the desihning-plan will go on.
- I am looking foreward to see, wether the next growing-season bring on a progress to the

- The development within four years