Sunday, 26 October 2014


Update Tilia_1

-Documentation of the last three years. Looks quiet raw, will be refiened the next days if selling
  the linden on the internet will not be succesful.
- The tree willl be wired just one more time. After that the designing will only be done with
   cutting-techniques and guy-wires.
- The callus-development is going on very well along the trunc-hollowing.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Update of Linden_6

- This viewing-angle shows a better taper
- And again there are too many bud and branches. Well, this is a luxury-problem ...

-  The tree will be sold this winter
-  I would like to style this linden rihgt now, bu the next owner want to do this his way of course.

- The amazing development within just three years!
- The feeding-regime seems to be very sufficient.


Update of Tilia_3

-  The linden from a different viewing-angle
-  I like that view better than the old frontside
-  And again much more buds and twigs than needed for the next designing-step

- not that bad also
- well, the tree is sold anyway. My buddy, who bought the tree will carry on  ...

- development wthin 4 years

Sunday, 12 October 2014


Update of Ulmus

- the christmastree-shape has vanished
- there are alot of things which have to be improven, but all in all I like the Elm much better now
- I am really looking foreward of stylinbg the tree again in the wintermonth
- additionally I will overhaule the carvings

 - A picture of the development within in 4 years

Sunday, 7 September 2014


Update of the five-trunc-linden.

- The lower sacrifice-branches had been removed already.
- The branches thickened alot.
- Next step is wiring. This will be done in Novemver.
- I am impatiently waiting to see the this years ramification ;-)  .

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Different Carvings

... Some pictures of deadwood-areas on or within my trees.
The carvings had not weatheres enough yet.
But this will happen anyway as time goes by.
In the meanwhile I will have a look for a good wood-preserving method.
It seems that the wooden material of Tilia is decaing relativly fast.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Balancing the energy

Update Tilia_8

On this stage of development, my designing-aim is to thicken the lower branches and to
increase the ramification of the upper areas.
Therefore breaking the apical dominance of the growth-energy is mandatory.
The lower branches had been allowed to grow freely. 
The upper shoots had been pinced after lauching the fourth internodium.