Wednesday, 12 July 2023


 I know, I know, the tree now looks rather like a plastic-tree.

But I am pretty sure, that the overall appearance will improve within the next two years or so.

Sometimes things have to become worse, to get better in the long run ...

So just for the record:

Friday, 7 July 2023


 According to working with yamadori-material or container-conifers from a garden-center, I have always been thought, that the assumption "finding the smallest tree" (within in the material) would give me a hint to a good first styling-result.

Well in this particular case my assumption was defenitly wrong. A Chamacyparis (no matter what kind or cultivar) would never "put" the leader-shoot down, to form a, what bonsai-people would call a "pad".

I signed the weak points with drawn arrows in the posting-image.

Therefore, I will cancel my former idea, in favour of a more upright design.

The following days I will post the result of my attempt for a more natural design.