Sunday, 8 August 2021


The Thuja regained her strength again after i did a bit too much pruning last year.

Now she is back on  her way . The planting-angle is not perfect right now.

It will be improved on the next potting-session by rotating the tree maybe 

10 degrees countercockwise.



I recently bought  this tree from Mister Jens Ringe who is running a bonsai-shop near to my hometown.

As well he is the man behind  the bonsai-workshop "Bonsaikunst Hamburg".

Maybe i will straighten up the trunc on the next styling session.

I am really looking foreward for working on the deadwood-part of this yew.


 So it went on. The tree is leaning to the side without branches.

I hollowed and carved the truncs top to create some taper, as far as this is possible at all,

since the trunc is a straight stick.

Now the yew will be left in peace for two years to establish the new design.