Sunday, 12 December 2021


 A Chamacyparis obtusa i bought in a nursery two month ago.

The tree seemed a bit neglected, but it was healthy enough to be styled.

The inner primary-structure is based on a five-trunc. The leafes of the tree show

different colour-shades. Maybe the reason for this is a kind of a natural "winter-colouration",

And the Cypress as a across-fading image over the former raw-plant.

Thursday, 18 November 2021


 A couple of days ago i tried on this one.

A Chamacyparis obtusa, bought in a regular garden-center. The kind of material that is easy 

to obtain almost everywere. 

I think every bonsai-enthusiat tries this species one day ... 

So did i, and i am very pleased with the obtusas's properties for styling little trees.

Of course this specimen is still very far from glory, Just the very first styling ...

 And the cross-fading-picture with the foto of the initial raw-material ...

Friday, 5 November 2021


 Well, here again another study of a possible design for a tanuki-trunc.

The virtual  as a refernce-picture and a picture of the raw  trunc just for the record.

Thursday, 4 November 2021



Working on the trunc is not finished yet, but here i go with a quick virtual of the project:

The source is a stem of a Thuja wich died unfortunately a couple of years ago.

I carved and hollowed here and there a bit. 

Monday, 1 November 2021


 I must confess, i could not resist to style this yew before shedule.

The tree showed such a great vitality, that i decided to give it a try.

A picture of the yews development . The pale background shows the  tree before the styling-session.

Sunday, 19 September 2021


 Same game, different tree.

Again a Juniperus Squamata 'Holger' (i guess). 

I am not quiet sure about the name of this particular species. 

Please leave a comment if you know more about this Juniper-variant.

Mister Jens Ringe from "Bonsaikunst Hamburg" helped me with the heavy bendings 

of the new truncline. 

The last picture again shows the blending of the raw-material with the tree as of today.

Within this picture the part of the original-state is a bit blanched in order to differ the two stages.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021


 Worked on this Juniper a couple of days before. 

I am reasonably satisfied with the result, if  you take the speed of the development into account. 

I am trying to display that in the third picture, wich is a blending of the actual state of the tree into the 

state of  December 2020.

And please bear in mind that this had been the very first serious styling-session for this tree ...

Monday, 6 September 2021


 It is my oldest tree by the way. I bought this one in 1997 at a nursery.-

I spent lots of houres for fine-wiring. but i am  not satisfied with the design yet.

The pads have to develope more character.

Sunday, 5 September 2021


 The first styling-session on yew No. 4..

There are maybe too less negative spaces yet, therefore the tree loks a bit too dense.

The leaf-pads appeare not that sharply worked out as well.

I will improve that in the near future after the yew astablished again and regained strengh.

The deadwood_stump will be worked on next spring.

Sunday, 8 August 2021


The Thuja regained her strength again after i did a bit too much pruning last year.

Now she is back on  her way . The planting-angle is not perfect right now.

It will be improved on the next potting-session by rotating the tree maybe 

10 degrees countercockwise.



I recently bought  this tree from Mister Jens Ringe who is running a bonsai-shop near to my hometown.

As well he is the man behind  the bonsai-workshop "Bonsaikunst Hamburg".

Maybe i will straighten up the trunc on the next styling session.

I am really looking foreward for working on the deadwood-part of this yew.


 So it went on. The tree is leaning to the side without branches.

I hollowed and carved the truncs top to create some taper, as far as this is possible at all,

since the trunc is a straight stick.

Now the yew will be left in peace for two years to establish the new design.


Saturday, 26 June 2021


 .. because Tosho is the japanese word for Juniperus rigida.

And this seems to be Juniperus Communis or J. Squamata.

Anyway, today i styled the tree for the first time. 

The lowest branch on the left side looks really silly. It will be removed soon.

The planting-angle has to be change of course.

Sunday, 3 January 2021


Tosho sounds good.

Technically a needle-juniper is meant by this japanese term. 

In this paticular case it is a simple juniperus communis variety.

Potted in late summer 2019, shortened in late spring of 2020.

First maintenance-aim is to promote the inner budding.

This has been succesful here and there so far. 

No major  "insults" planned for the 2021 ...


 'Digged this yew in spring 2019 on my garden-ground as kind of waste, 

'cause the fence had to be renewed.

And yes, it is debatable, wether this material is worth saving for further deyelopment.

No, it is not worth it.

But i simply could not resist, to try  to do something out of nothing.

Otherwise, should i have thrown it away? 


Possibly wind-swept, a leaning trunc or even a fallen trunc, as some kind of  raft ...

Pictures as of the beginning, for record: