Tuesday, 31 October 2017


An update ...
Just one and a half years in my posession.
Some Basic designing is done.
The carving-job was done by Mr. Kevin Wilson from the UK.

Monday, 23 October 2017


Well, just for study purpose a thuja occidentalis.
I want to find out, if it is possible to develop a "bonsaioid" design within a reasonable 
period of time. A really ugly stump at that stage ...
But on the other hand i like Thuja so much, can't help myself ...
'Would like to see the original wildlings in Canada for example ..

Saturday, 7 October 2017


And this is how it went on with the linden_clump,
before the winter styling-session .
The tree over all shorter, more compact and more designing options.
The moss was stolen by mean blackbirds!
It will be replaced after the carving and styling is done ...


Well, one of my trees decided to go to another garden.

The hollow-Linden made her way in the very south-west of Germany.
Because of her sheer size and weight, it was not possible to send the tree.
In the absence of a better transport-possiblity, I delivered the tree to the
new owner myself, while being on a business-trip southbound anyway.
The guy who bought the tree is a real gentleman, and so I am not a second
in doubt, that the tree will thrive in his garden ...

Saturday, 30 September 2017


`Tell you what:
I like A. Campestre better than A. buergerianum.
Well, this species is absolutely easy to obtain and to collect in my countryside.
It is enormous winterhardy, and the leaf-size will become smaller in a reasonably
period of time.
The bark of older trees look very sexy and this species is very stressable as well.
You can not kill them ...
The downside is the "stiffy" growing-pattern of the branches and the affinity to mildew.
I will deliver some designing-virtuals in a couple of days.

New projekt:
Acer campestre-yamadori. Digged in spring of 2016.
Shortly before first wirering ...

Monday, 25 September 2017


And an update of the linden, wich I digged in 2012.
No major changes according to the initial design.
A lot of new buds and twigs, so alot of designing-options as well.
The tree is for sale, I would like to let her go ...
A bottle of Whiskey for scale again on the surface of the soil ...

Sunday, 24 September 2017


The brook_alder had some weather-problems this year.
Even though we had alot of rain this sommer,
the alder had been very unlucky with two hot days without watering
(I had been on a business-journey).
She decided then to throw most of her leafes. And now I decided to send her
in her "ahead of schedule" fall.
A regular bottle of whisky (0,7 Liter) as a scale ...
The tree is for sale.

Saturday, 26 August 2017


On 19 and 20 July, me and a coulple of other bonsai-enthusiast had the great honor to be
part of a carving and (styling)-workshop again, wich was conducted by Mr.Kevin Willson himself!
I decided that my Prunus Seriotina-stump should receive a professional overhaul.
And this is the result:

Not only the best carving-artist in the world and a brilliant bonsai-styler, a skillful painter as well.
Every participant of the workshop got such a developing-plan from Kevin ...

I simply like  this guy! ...

Wednesday, 26 July 2017


... and another, current picture of the village-linden.
The twigging is improving, The tree established very well after repotting in spring.
Strong and healthy she is ...


An current picture of the elm.
There are no major changes according to the design.
'Just interessting to see how the tree coped with the heavy pruning in spring ...

Monday, 19 June 2017


News of the mountain black cherry.
She is strong and healthy. The ramificaction is surprisingly good.
The internodes are shorter than expected.
Next spring the surface-roots and trunc-line will be overhauled, I mean carved and so on.
Hm, I like this project ...

Monday, 5 June 2017


Today I was lucky enough to be visited by a very gifted female photo-artist.
Mrs. Claudia Bosch (https://spark.adobe.com/page/gxjGvdaiJcMnN/) made
a couple of professionell shots after I had done some routine maintenance duties.

One of these shots impressed me very much because of its skilled craftswork
of realisation and the encoded massage.
This picture is a kind of paradigma to me and tells (imho) so much about our
work and passion.
The bonsai-artist(?!) or creator should be standing humbly in the back seat of his work.
His figure is real but blurred.
The manual craftmanship itself is sharp and enlighted.
This is what takes unbreakably part in reality.
Compared to that, the man's mind thinking is abstrakt and almost immaterial.

The mystery of bonsai to me is:
Experiencing the result of both worlds.
A strong man's hand with a steely tool (how brutal this sounds !),
together with the sensitivity of a man's mind imagination (how fragil this sounds!),
creates living pieces of art.

Saturday, 18 March 2017


Well I needed a change of style on that particular tree.
I mean I was unhappy with the pom-pom-look of the branches.
And the crown was too large in relation to the trunc-diameter as well.
I wanted the ramification to be closer to the trunc again.
Therefore I made some radical cuttings  ...
Ah yes, and I repotted the tree.
The pot had been made by Volcker Bertels a bonsai-fellow of me.

Monday, 13 March 2017


And this is what I bought the pot for.
The Village-Linden in her new home.
Imho a very well-made pot.
Not only the professional craftsmanship
but the artistic modality as well.

Sunday, 12 March 2017


Finding a handcrafted bonsai-pot bigger than 50 cm can be a real task.
Most of the potters (in Germany?) prefer to produce pots with not more than
40-45 cm.
The reason for that may be the technical difficulties relating to the
handling of large pots (size of kiln e.t.c.). the waste-rate is very high.
Additionally the demand of small and medium sized pots is higher.
Anyway, I was lucky enough to find a pot for my big linden.
The german bonsai-potter Walter Venne created this masterpiece.
Dimensions: 56,5 x 42,5 x 13,0 cm.

Sunday, 5 March 2017


Today my bonsai-buddy André gave me once again the honour of a visit.
He helped me to get my pots on the shelfs. Thank you my friend!
After work had been done we took some shots of his Tilia Cordata in my improvised
photo-studio. A very cool tree with an unconventional character.

Among all the pictures there were two, wich (imho) kind of mirrored the spirit of Bonsai according
to the dialog with the tree ...

Sunday, 26 February 2017


Just for archive,
an update of the Elder after some further designing.
The job of Nov. 16 now done in Feb. 17.
- the aim is to promote the main branches to becom similar knotty as the trunc
- repotting in mid or end of March. 'don't like the position within the pot
- therefore the guy-wires are fixed to the trunc itself.
I can lift out the tree and repot it without loosing the branches positions.
There won't be left any scars from the anchor-srews ...